Welcome to the Library Information Literacy Modules
Each module is located on an individual tab above. Modules may be completed in any order. *Each time you click on a module, a new window or tab will open. This will enable you to continue to access the overall module collection.
A quiz will be administered at the end of each module. Quizzes contain 5 to 8 questions.
***In order to better evaluate the effectiveness of the modules, please take this PRE-TEST prior to completing any of the modules.
The PRE-TEST is not required and is only used to evaluate the effectiveness of these modules.***
For each module, complete the 3 steps:
Step 1 |
Step 2 |
Step 3 |
Introduction |
Review the Lessons |
Take the Quiz |
Proof of Completion: At the end of each module quiz, you will see instructions on how to email your score to yourself and your instructor. It is recommended that you email yourself to ensure that you receive a copy of your scores. See the image below. This email will have Credo Assessment Results as the subject line and be from Credo Courseware. Please note that your instructor may require a minimum quiz score. Check with your instructor for any score requirements. The quiz may be taken more than once.

ALERT: If you receive an unsafe site prompt when logging into the modules, please clear your browser history/cache and log into the modules again. You may also try different browser. If the issues continue, contact Cynthia Sanchez (csanchez@alamo.edu).