This page provides access to several library databases in the boxes below.
General Topic Databases box provides access to the several of the library databases that contain articles on a variety topics.
Databases by Topic box provides access to the several of the library databases that contain articles related to the topics that were selected for this project.
How do I Search the Library Databases box provides a brief tutorial on performing a search using the library's databases.
REMINDER: Check with your professor for any questions about the types of resources that they will accept for this project.
The general databases provide access to e-articles on multiple topics. The databases listed below contain articles related to the topics for this project.
Click here for a list of all library databases.
The topic specific databases provide access to e-articles on a on specific topics. The databases listed below contain articles related to the topics for this project.
REMINDER: Sample search terms are available on the Palomino Search page of this guide.
History Databases
Family History Databases
Click here for a list of all library databases.