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Birds (Ornithology): Home

Dedicated to the resources available regarding the study of birds. This includes books, magazines, websites and organizations and activities to increase one's knowledge of birds.


Small bird with dark grey feathers, white belly and tan beak perched on limb.

Slate Colored (Dark-eyed) Junco

Photo by Tripp Davenport

Slate-colored (Dark-eyed) Junco - Davis Mountains State Park, Jeff Davis County Texas, Dec. 6, 2020

Accessed  Dec. 15, 2020

Small bird, reddish and yellow belly, dark grey wings, tufted crown, black beak, black mask on eyes. The bird is perched on a limb.

Cedar Waxwing

Photo by Tripp Davenport

Cedar Waxwing - Deep Creek Ranch, Uvalde County Texas - Dec. 13, 2020

Accessed  15 Dec. 20

Tiny greenish and white bird with long pointed beak. The bird is in flight with tree limbs in the background.

Rufus Hummingbird

Photo by Tripp Davenport

Rufus Hummingbird - City of Uvalde, Uvalde County Texas, Dec. 12, 2020

Accessed  15 Dec. 20


Large bird with cat like head and eyes, hooked beak, black and white feathers, and very sharp claws. The bird is perched on a telephone pole.

Great Horned Owl

Photo by Tripp Davenport

Great Horned Owl - Rancho Encino area, Uvalde County Texas, Dec. 8, 2020

Accessed  15 Dec. 20

Large white waterfowl, with long orange beak, standing in a marsh.

American White Pelican

Photo by Tripp Davenport

American White Pelican - Lake Balmorhea, Reeves County Texas, Dec. 6 2020

Accessed  Dec. 15, 2020

Small bird perched on a branch. The bird has blue top feathers, tail  and wings, white belly, dark beak and claws

Woodhouse's Scrub-jay

Photo by Tripp Davenport

Woodhouse's Scrub-jay - Big Springs Ranch, Real County Texas, Dec.4, 2020

Accessed  15 Dec. 20

Small slate colored bird with tawny belly, dark beak and claws, brown eyes. The bird is perched on a small branch,

Northern Mockingbird

Photo by Tripp Davenport

Northern Mockingbird - National Butterfly Center Gardens, Mission, Hidalgo County Texas, Nov. 27, 2020

Accessed  15 Dec. 20

