The librarians at the Ozuna Library are available to help. Schedule a one-on-one appointment with a librarian through the Ozuna Library's Book a Librarian service. Librarians can assist you in navigating the library's search tools such as Palomino Search, library databases to explore the library's robust collection of print and electronic resources, and creating citations.
To schedule an appointment, click on the VIRTUAL or IN PERSON appointment button below to view available appointments.
- Appointments can be up to 25 minutes in duration.
- Appointments must be scheduled at least two hours in advance.
- Virtual (online) and in person (on campus) appointments are available.
- You may schedule an appointment by selecting from the available appointment times or by a specific librarian.
- All PAC librarians are knowledgeable in assisting students with research on any subject. In addition, our librarians have specialized experience in specific subjects. For information about the librarian subject areas, click the i icon next to next to the librarian's name.
- Appointment confirmation emails will come addressed from LibCal.
- Note to Faculty: To request library instruction for your class, please submit a Faculty Request for Instruction. The Book a Librarian service is for one on one individualized appointments with a librarian.
If the available meeting times on the calendar do not coincide with your availability, please contact Cynthia Sanchez to discuss meeting time options.