Library resources are not free and not freely available to everyone - our vendors pay for the right to offer (license) them to libraries and we pay the vendors on a subscription basis. The resources can be used for academic research and often also as instructional material.
These collections are restricted to students, faculty, and staff of PAC. Faculty cannot modify books and articles as they can with OER materials. But streaming video can be shown in class, embedded in canvas, and users can create personal playlists or clips, a majority of our ebooks can now be accessed by an unlimited number of users simultaneouosly making it possible too use the books as (supplemental) textbooks.
Most can easily be found through our Palomino Search. Users can also Search a specific database directly. Below are collections of greatest interest to faculty looking for instructional materials.
All our streaming video collections allow for streaming in the classroom and you can also embed videos in canvas (although linking is easier). Users can also create playlists and clips to show/assign.
Each subject area or academic department has been assigned to a Library liaison. The librarian assigned to your area will make recommendations for purchase of new materials, oversee periodical availability, and make deselection decisions. Ideally, classroom faculty will work with the librarian in their area to ensure the best-informed decisions regarding library resources and materials. The list of library liaisons for FY24 is below:
Tosca Gonsalves 210-486-3573 |
Susan Puccio 210-486 -3573 |
Andrew Rivera 210-486-3560 |
Cynthia Sanchez 210-486 -3563 |
B.J. Schanzer 210-486-3578 |
Sara Schmidt 210-486-3575 |
The following collections/e-resources are easily overlooked, because they are not (well) represented in Palomino Search. They can also be accessed through Search a specific database (also on our webpage under Find More Materials)