The Ozuna Library at Palo Alto College provides library services at SETC in Building A Room 100
A librarian is available to assist users with finding information and using our e-resources. Computers are available to access our multitude of resources, including books, magazines, journals, and streaming video. A scanner and printer are available as well.
Librarians can assist you in navigating the library's search tools such as Palomino Search, library databases to explore the library's robust collection of print and electronic resources, and creating citations and organizing your paper with NoodleTools.
Click on the VIRTUAL or IN PERSON appointment button below to view available appointments.
If the available meeting times on the calendar do not coincide with your availability, please contact Cynthia Sanchez to discuss meeting time options.
SETC Library Services Phone: | Ozuna Library Reference Phone: | Ozuna Library Reference Email: | Ozuna Library Homepage: |
210-485-0849 | 210-486-3557 | | |