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ENGL 1301 - Earl - (SM): Ozuna Library Searching and Resources

How do I access library materials?

Palomino Search

The library's search tool is Palomino Search This tool provides access to e-books, e-articles, and streaming videos from one search box.  A majority of the library databases are incorporated into Palomino Search, however, you may also use a specific database to s your research.  

Databases: Articles/Streaming Videos

Library databases provide electronic access to journal/ newspaper/ magazine articles, streaming videos, and some e-books.  In addition, the library's database collection includes some specialized databases that provide geographic maps, country overviews, and vocational information.   Off campus access requires student ACES user name and Banner number for students taking PAC college courses.

Databases by Topic on the Library Homepage provides access by individual database.

Please contact the library if you experience difficulty accessing the databases:  email (  or  chat.

Tutorials are available below.

Palomino Search

When searching by SUBJECT in the catalog you will need to experiment with different search terms. These can be terms that you have come up with by yourself or ones that you found in looking at the keywords found in books' or articles' information page. Some examples of keywords for a paper about the topic Social Media could be:

Social Media   Social Website   Social Networking     Social Platform      

Link to Palomino search box from Ozuna Library Homepage

How do get assistance from a librarian?

The Library is open on campus.  Research assistance is available in person as well as via chat  email (  or  text 210-812-2632.  You may also schedule an extended one on one virtual appointment with a librarian using the Book a Librarian service.

You may contact a librarian by phone (210)486-3557.    Messages received during non operating hours will be returned on the next business day.         

PAC Tutoring Services

Free online tutoring is available for all PAC students via Canvas.

PAC tutors offer tutoring services via the Brainfuse platform. 

For more information and to view tutoring times per subject, refer to  the tutoring services webpage.