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Finding Books at Other Libraries: Free eBooks

A comprehensive guide to finding books, videos, periodicals, and other materials at other libraries when Palo Alto doesn't have the item you need.

Popular Free Classics

Project Gutenberg

gutenberg icon Project Gutenberg offers more than 33,000 high-quality electronic books. They are freely available in the United States because they are in the public domain - i.e. because their copyright has expired. Books can be downloaded in ePub, Kindle, HTML and simple text formats.

Google Books

google books

Google Books provides access to the full text of thousands of free electronic books. It also includes short previews of titles that are not available full-text, and links to online bookstores where you can buy a book that is not freely available. Google Books includes magazines as well. A subject browse is a nice feature.

HathiTrust Digital Library

HathiTrust allows you to create your own collections or browse collections created by others. Contains more than 2 million public domain volumes (books, periodicals, etc.). Books must be read online - no downloads available.


Bookyards contains the full text of more than 17,000 books (as well as music and videos). Titles can be downloaded in PDF format only. The "tell a friend" features allows you to send information about a book to a specified email address.