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Writing Children's Books: Find Books

Palomino Search

Alamo Online Catalog

Search the Palomino Search Catalog for books, e-books and other media to support your research topic. You can find e-books, physical books, periodical titles, media items, and government documents.  

Click on Advanced Search.  At the bottom, LIMIT TO:  books and e-books

Use Subject: to search within the subject field only. This will generally help to narrow your search results by producing fewer matches, for example:

SUBJECT:    children's literature will give fewer and more focused results than....

ANY FIELD:  children's literature   

By doing an ADVANCED KEYWORD search, you can specify a specific college, a specific type of material, or a combination of criteria by using BOOLEAN connectors AND, OR, and AND NOT.

  • AND - both terms must be present (Ex:  obesity AND children)
  • OR - either term may be present (Ex: children OR teens)
  • * - Truncation (Ex. child* will find child, children, childhood, etc.)

Use AND to narrow your search:                   

SUBJECT:  children's literature   AND    SUBJECT:  criticism

Use truncation (an * with the stem of the word) to slightly expand those results:     child* will find child, children, childhood, etc. 


Subject Searches

Try these SUBJECT seaches in the library catalog:

  • Children -- Books and reading.
  • Teenagers -- Books and reading.
  • Young adult literature -- History and criticism.

Selected NLC Books