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Biology 1308 Chandler: Cite it!

Purdue OWL


Use this tool to create your citation source list.  It has built-in features to help you!

Noodletools - Get Started


Step 1. Register and create a login and password for a Noodletools account.

  • Go to Noodletools-Sign in.
  • Off campus?  Enter your ACES ID and BANNER Number first. 
  • Once you get to the Noodletools screen…
  • Click on "REGISTER" and create your own username and password

Step 2. After you sign in, you will be on the Projects page.

  • Click on +New project button and name it
  • Choose your style: MLA, APA or Chicago/Turabian.

Step 3. From the Dashboard of your project you can:

  • Add your research question
  • Add your thesis
  • Add collaborators for group projects
  • Connect to Google
  • Make a ToDo List

Step 4. Click on Sources and create your citations.

Step  5.  Don't forget to log out of Noodletools when you finish.

APA Library Guide