Printing is available in the Ozuna Library (2nd floor) during library hours and payment is handled through GoPrint.
Users have to create a free GoPrint account which can be used at all student computers on the Alamo Colleges campuses. Printing costs 5 cents/page for B/W and 40 cents/page for color. Wifi printing from personal devices is not available.
How to create and use a Go Print account:
Step 1 Access Go Print:
- Option A
- Bring up Go Print prompt by clicking on Print in the document that you would like to print.
- Review the printer name and select for color or black and white:
- Black and White = PACGP-OZ227 on pacgoprint.pac01.ad.root
- Color = PACGP-OZ227 - Color on pacgoprint.pac01.ad.root
- Select print options: black and white/color, single or double sided, etc.
- Click Print again to initiate Go Print and the Go Print widget will come up. Go to Step 2.
- Option B
- Click on the Go Print icon on the desktop.

- Click on Go Print icon. Widget will pop up. Go to Step 2.
Step 2 Create Go Print Account

- Enter your email (personal or student) in the Sign-Up box and click Sign Up.
- Create a Login ID. Using your Banner number is not recommended.
- Enter your First Name and Last Name.
- Create a password. Select a password you'll remember, resetting is not easy.
- Click Create.
Step 3 Log into your Go Print Account
- Enter your account using the Login ID and Password that you created.
- Click Sign In.
Step 4 Add Funds to your Go Print Account *
- Option A: Credit / Debit Card ($2 minimum)
- Click on Add Value in the Account Summary box (upper left).

- Enter the amount of funds to be added.
- Follow the prompts to enter your card information.
- Return to the Go Print screen by clicking My Print Jobs at the top of the screen and click the green refresh icon.
- Option B: Cash ($1 minimum)
- Use the cash add value machine located outside of Copy Room #227.

- Enter your Go Print account Login ID and Password.
- Click on Get Balance/Add Funds box and insert bills.
- The cash add value machine accepts $1 and $5 bills. The machine does not give change back or accept coins.
- Return to the Go Print screen by clicking My Print Jobs at the top of the screen and click the green refresh icon.
*You may be prompted to select a browser within these steps. Select the browser and click OK.
Step 5 Printing your document
- After hitting print, Go Print widget pops up. Sign in with your GoPrint account.
- GoPrint will show pending print jobs with a check box next to each. Click box to select print job, then Click to Print.
- Print job will release from the black and white or color printers in Room #227.
- Log off when you have completed your printing.

As always, ask a librarian if you need assistance in setting up your account.
Below is a link to Go Print instructions with images you can save or print.