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PSYC2301 M. Madrigal Fall 2023- Schiavo Case: Palomino Search- Search for E-books and Articles

E-books from the Ozuna Library

This page provides access to several library resources in the boxes below.

Palomino Search box provides access to the Palomino Search tool. You can search for e-books, e-articles, and e-videos.

How do I use Palomino Search box provides a brief tutorial on performing a search using Palomino Search. 

REMINDER:  Check with Ms. Madrigal for any questions about the types of resources that she will accept for this project.  

Palomino Search

Palomino horse    Palomino Search

Use Palomino Search to search for library resources. Below are suggested search terms to aid in your search for topics covered in this class.  These search terms may also be used when searching in the library databases.

        Linked Search Terms                                                                                                          General Search Terms

       Terri Schiavo AND persistent vegetative state                                                           Terri Schiavo

       Terri Schiavo AND consciousness                                                                             Schindler v Schiavo

       Persistent Vegetative State psychology                                                                     Coma diagnosis physiopathology

       Family psychology                                                                                                     Brain Injuries pathology                                                         

      Advance Directives ethics legislation & jurisprudence psychology                             Adaptation, Psychology AND right to die   

       Euthanasia psychology                                                                                              End of life care             

       Euthanasia, Active, Voluntary psychology                                                                 

      Suicide, Assisted psychology                                                                                     

      Terminally ill psychology                                                                                             

      Right to Die ethics

       Terminal Care ethics

       Right to die Law and legislation United States.

       Assisted suicide Law and legislation United States.

       Euthanasia Law and legislation United States.                                        

       Conflict, Psychological       


Samples of E-books on Sociology Topics