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Global Citizenship and Civic Engagement Information Literacy Module: For Faculty

Quick Links for Faculty

Faculty can incorporate the modules into their Canvas classes by placing the link to individual modules via the URLs shown below:
Module 1 Cultural Issues and Global Citizenship

Module 2  Civic Engagement and Action

For Faculty

 The Ozuna Library also offer the Library Information Literacy Modules which contain tutorials and videos on various areas of information literacy.  Faculty can incorporate the modules into their Canvas classes by placing the link to individual modules via the URLs shown below:
Module 1 The Research Process
Module 2 Sources of Information
Module 3 Searching for Information
Module 4 Evaluating Information
Module 5 Presenting Research
Module 6 Citation- Academic Integrity



Student Proof of Completion

Students will receive their quiz results for each module-quiz completed no matter the score and can email the score to the instructor (please advise students if you require a minimum quiz score as proof of completion).

The email will include the student's name, quiz name, and date. Because the library modules utilize Credo Reference software, the module completion email that you receive will display CREDO Assessment Results in the subject line (see right).

Library E-resources for Educators

Below are e-videos available from the Ozuna Library on teaching and engaging students in the areas of global citizenship and civic engagement. Use Palomino Search for more resources.