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ENGL 1301 Espinoza Fall 2024: Find Resources

Useful Databases for Broad Topic Research

Accessing Databases from off campus

When accessing a database (article, e-book, film) off campus,  you will get a screen where you will have to fill in your ACES ID and your BANNER NUMBER to show you are a PAC student, staff or faculty member.

If you have any issues contact the Ozuna Library Reference Desk via Chat or send an email to

Resource link gives "unsafe page" message

All our resource links are safe.  In most cases you can resolve this issue by either using another browser or clearing your current browser's cache. Below are instructions on clearing the cache.

Palomino Search

Palomino horse    Palomino Search


Relevant Web Resources

Link from Palomino Source is not working

Problem: When clicking on the green button that is supposed to take you to the ebook, video, or article, you get to a page with an error message.

Possible solution: Click on the title of ebook, video, article (in Palomino Search) scroll to Access Online (see image on left).

In many cases the same item is available from another source/vendor. Try and see if any of the other "View full text" links work.

If that doesn't work: Click on "Report a broken link" (yellow highlight) and fill in the form. The E-resource librarian will respond to the email generated. She can almost always find you a copy of the article. And we can work on getting the broken link fixed.


E-resources not in Palomino Search

The following collections/e-resources are easily overlooked, because they are not (well) represented in Palomino Search.  They can also be accessed through Search a specific database (also on our webpage under Find More Materials)