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Digital Mixed Media Guide: eBook Access

E-book is an abbreviation for "electronic book". An e-book is a digital version of a printed book that can be read on electronic devices like computers, smartphones, tablets, or e-readers. Ozuna Library has two ways to access e-books; 1) through our Palomino Search Engine and 2) with our leisure reading collection through Libby.

How to use Palomino Search: eBooks

  • Choose your search terms
  • Type them into the Palomino Search Box
  • Either click the magnifying glass or use the enter button on your keyboard

  • Take a look at the Results Page and see if the resources are useful.
  • Often the results will be needed to narrowed.
  • In the left column, the results can be narrowed in several ways, the most common by material type (Book, eBook, etc.) or by date.
  • Click the box under Materials next to eBook, in order to only view eBooks.
  • After a book is chosen, click the green button, "View eBook", under the icon of the book cover.

  • eBook formats change according to the distributer.
  • Some eBooks will look like this when opened.
  • On the left hand side will be a column with a link to the chapters, a search function, and an area to take notes. Please bear in mind that in order to save the notes, students will need to sign into their library account using their ACES ID and Banner ID number.
  • The right hand side will be a the actual text of the book, starting with the cover.

  • The second way eBooks will look this when first opened. 
  • Click on the dropdown menu labeled "Access options". Click on PDF full text.
  • This doesn't download a copy to your computer, it just allows access to the online version of the book.

  • The last way an eBook with open, looks a lot like the previous version, except there is no dropdown menu.
  • Just click on the "Access now (eBook)" button and the ebook will open.

  • When opening an eBook from either of the last two slides, it will initially look like this.
  • The table of contents on the right and the text of the book. starting at the cover, on the left.
  • This page has all the option the first eBook view does, just in different places.
  • The search function is the magnifying glass at the top right.

How to use Libby: eBooks and Audiobooks

  • eBooks and Audiobooks can also be found in the Ozuna Library Leisure Books collection.
  • Just click on "Leisure Books (e-books and audiobooks)" link in the first column.

  • The homepage of the leisure collection will look something like this. As books are added on a regular basis, the books in the "Just Added" section will change.
  • Under the title and author of the work will be either a tiny book icon with ebook or a tiny headphone icon with audiobook.

  • Clicking on the book's cover image opens the information page, which includes summary, author, publisher, release date, ISBN, and reviews.
  • On the right hand side of the page it also list subjects that the book falls under. This is helpful in finding other books similar to the one selected.

  • When the green "Borrow" button is clicked on the book's information page a pop up appears.
  • Clicking the green "Borrow" button on the pop up will check the book out.

  • The pop up will then change to ask what format the book is wanted. The options usually include Kindle, browser, or ePub download. 
  • Some books may only be offered in one or two formats dependent on the publisher's preference.
  • Please note: No matter what format the book is read in, it will become unavailable when the loan period is over. Unless there is a hold on the book, students are welcome to check the book out again.

  • What if the previous pop up is closed without choosing a format or a students wants to know what is checked out?
  • Click on the symbol at the top right hand corner of the screen that looks like three books, one of them slightly leaning. 
  • This screen shows all checked out books. It also has links to books on hold, wish lists, and other information.