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San Antonio Poetry Archive at Palo Alto College: Policies and Donations

Wish List - Books and Publications Needed

Although this is an archival collection, given the nature of the archive we collect publications that document writings of local poets.  We currently have more than 150 titles, but we need a great number more.  Here is a short, but growing list of titles that we would appreciate receiving.

Journals and Serials:

Pax (v. 1, no. 1 (ACQUIRED); v. 2, no. 2; v. 4 no.1 (ACQUIRED), anything v. 4, no. 2 and after)

Red Palm


Young Pegasus Anthologies. Published by the San Antonio Public Library. Needing 1926.

Transcendental Train Yard by Norma Cantu

Poems by Children: San Antonio Independent School District by Rosemary Catacalos

Woman, Woman by Angela De Hoyos

I Will Catch the Sun by Nephtali De Leon
We are Chicanos by Nephtali De Leon

Another waterbug is murdered while it rains in Texas, or, Among the dead : new and selected poems by Victoria Garcia Zapata Klein

Songs in Blue Negritude by Van G. Garrett
ZURI: Selected Love Songs by Van G. Garrett
49: Wings and Prayers by Van G. Garrett

From Inside the Tree by Bryce Milligan

Pensamientos capturados: poemas de Jose Montalvo by Jose Montalvo
A mi que by Jose Montalvo
The Cat in the Top Hat by Dr. Sucio
Wecome to My New World by Jose Montalvo

On the Edge of the Sky by Naomi Shihab Nye
Explaining Flight by Naomi Shihab Nye

At the Risk of Sounding Ridiculous by Ben Olguin

Old Ballerina Club by Sharon Olinka

The Marchers by Mo Saidi

Peregrine by Paul Soupiset
Mockingbird by Paul Soupiset

Exploits of a Sun Poet by Rod C. Stryker
Lucid Affairs by Rod C. Stryker

Occupation: None by Carmen Tafolla
Si se puede by Carmen Tafolla

DONATED or ACQUIRED, thank you!

Voices de la Luna (current subscription) 

Selected Poems by Angela De Hoyos
5 Plays by Nephtali De Leon
What the Diamond Does is Hold it All in by Jim LaVilla Havelin
Black Hat Poems by Jose Montalvo 
At the Border: Winter Lights by Carol Coffee Reposa
The Green Room by Carol Coffee Reposa
Facts of Life by Carol Coffee Reposa
Cowtippers by Linda Simone
Archeology by Linda Simone
To Split a Human: Mitos, Machos, y la Mujer Chicana by Carmen Tafolla
Kiss /Hierarchy by Alexandra Van de Kamp
Te Prometo: New Poems by Victoria Garcia Zapata Klein

San Antonio Poetry Archive Policies

Policy statement for the San Antonio Poetry Archive at Palo Alto College

The purpose of this policy is to provide a clear statement of the current collecting methodology for the San Antonio Poetry Archive at Palo Alto College. These collecting priorities inform all acquisitions, whether by purchase or gift, and will assist potential donors in determining whether Palo Alto College Library is the most appropriate home for material they may wish to donate.

Collection Development

The San Antonio Poetry Archive’s collecting priority will be to obtain and preserve primary source materials such as literary papers, original works and publications, film, photographs, video, and related ephemera as related to local poets and poetry organizations.  A special emphasis is placed on those people and organizations that contribute to the San Antonio poetry community through involvement with event series, literary publications, and other cultural activities.

Acquisitions are primarily by donation, and all collections will be reviewed for inclusion based on their individual merits. 

Additional Details

When a collection of items is offered as a donation to the archives, the merits of the donation are first evaluated by the library’s archivist.  If the collection is deemed not appropriate for inclusion by the archivist, an ad-hoc committee will be appointed by the Dean of Learning Resources. The committee will be comprised of one full-time librarian, two tenured faculty members from another department, and a staff representative. The recommendations of the committee will be forwarded to the Dean for action, in collaboration with the Vice President of Academic Success. Then the individual or organization donating the collection will be notified of the decision.

Opening Reception Photographs