The library has many more eBooks than print books. eBooks have several advantages over print books. They are that they are accessible anywhere you have internet. In most cases they also allow you to easily search within the book, to help you determine if the book is what you need for your project or to get you to the section of the book that has the information you are looking for.
Our eBooks can be found by using the Palomino Search and limiting to eBooks. Books from EBSCO, eBook Central, and OverDrive can be borrowed like our print books - see the tabs for more information.
We also have Open Access eBooks that you are free to download and keep.
eBooks (or E-Books, or ebooks) are electronic books. They are the same as a regular book, but in a digital version. Depending on the book and the format, they can be read online, downloaded to a computer, downloaded to a separate electronic book reader (typically called e-readers), or read with or downloaded to any mobile device with internet access (such as a smartphone). Ebooks can be identical to the print version, or specially formatted for mobile devices, or enhanced with hotlinks or other navigation features. There are freely available eBooks, eBooks that you can buy, and eBooks that the library pays for and makes available to you as Palo Alto students/faculty/staff.