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eBooks: PAC EBSCO eBooks

What are EBSCO eBooks?

The Ozuna Library's EBSCO eBook Collection is a combination of Netlibrary (generally books published before 2005 and in most cases allowing only one user at a time) and the Academic Collection with thousands of books with unlimited users.  Both collections cover a wide variety of topics.

EBSCO eBook Collection

For an expanded selection of eBooks available to Palo Alto students, search the EBSCO eBook Collection database.

EBSCO Ebooks can be read online, but you can also download them to read them offline.  If you are working on a desk or laptop computer, you will need to create/use a personal EBSCOhost account and sign in AND you will need to have Adobe Digital on your computer.  You can also use the EBSCO mobile app to find and access EBSCO Mobile app:

Once downloaded you have access to the book for 21 days.  No need to worry about overdues, you just lose access once your time is up.

Citing eBooks


eBooks are cited in APA and MLA format as if they were print books, but with the addition of access information.



APA Format


Parker, M. O., & Parker, J. (2016). Explore Texas : A Nature Travel Guide (Vol. First edition). College Station: Texas A&M University Press.                      Retrieved from


MLA Format

Parker, Mary O., and Jeff Parker. Explore Texas : A Nature Travel Guide. Vol. First edition, Texas A&M University Press, 2016. EBSCOhost,


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