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Online Teaching @ PAC for Faculty: Resources

Access to resources and services for the online teaching and learning community.

Ozuna Library Chat

Library E-resources easily overlooked

The following collections/e-resources are easily overlooked, because they are not (well) represented in Palomino Search.  They can also be accessed through Search a specific database (also on our webpage under Find More Materials)

Library Liaisons

Each subject area or academic department has been assigned to a Library liaison. The librarian assigned to your area will make recommendations for purchase of new materials, oversee periodical availability, and make deselection decisions. Ideally, classroom faculty will work with the librarian in their area to ensure the best-informed decisions regarding library resources and materials. The list of library liaisons for FY24 is below:




Tosca Gonsalves             210-486-3573


Susan Puccio             210-486 -3573


Andrew Rivera        210-486-3560



Cynthia Sanchez   210-486 -3563




 B.J. Schanzer       210-486-3578


 Sara Schmidt     210-486-3575


Information Literacy Instruction

While the library is closed, we will continue to provide Information Literacy Instruction:

  • Via Zoom: We can provide instruction on the use of library resources, how to do better research and citing sources.  As before, we ask that you make your request two weeks in advance. Faculty Request for Library Instruction
  • Through the Library Information Literacy Modules.  Six modules that can be taken by students on their own or assigned.  You can assign one or modules as part of your course, either required or for extra credit.


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Tosca Gonsalves