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Early College High School and Dual Credit Student Library Information: Library Resources- Online

How do I access library materials?

Palomino horse    Palomino Search



The library's search tool is Palomino Search This tool provides access to e-books, e-articles, and streaming videos from one search box.  A majority of the ibrary databases are incorporated into Palomino Search, however, you may also use a specific database to s your research.  

Databases: Articles/Streaming Videos

Library databases provide electronic access to journal/ newspaper/ magazine articles, streaming videos, and some e-books.  In addition, the library's database collection includes some specialized databases that provide geographic maps, overviews, and vocational information.   Off campus access requires student ACES user name and Banner number for students taking PAC college courses.

Databases by Topic on the Library Homepage provides access by individual database.


Search Tool Tutorials Available Below

How do I get help from a librarian?


The library resources and services are available on campus and virtually.  A librarian will provide research assistance and help users identify resources in person as well as via chatemail (, text   210- 812- 2632, or phone 210-486-3557.    
You may also schedule an extended one on one virtual appointment with a librarian  using  the  Book a Librarian service.   

Library Information Literacy Modules



Students can improve their information searching skills by completing Library Information Literacy Modules throughout the year. Modules include videos and tutorials on citation, search terms, and much more.  Click here to access the online modules.

PAC Tutoring Services

Free online tutoring is available for all PAC students via Canvas.

PAC tutors offer tutoring services via the Brainfuse platform. 

For more information and to view tutoring times per subject, refer to  the tutoring services webage.