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TLC- Professional Development E-book Collection at the Ozuna Library: Additional Resources from the Ozuna Library

More Library Resources

This page provides information to library resources available to current PAC faculty and staff. 

Add the Library to the Navigation side bar in your Canvas course

New York Times Online

The Ozuna Library holds a subscription to the New York Times Online. 

If you are a first time user to the New York Times , there are a few steps to log in and create an account. 

If you are on campus:

  1. In the Newspapers box in the library’s database list, click on New York Times Online.
  2. NYT login page will prompt. Type in Palo Alto College-San Antonio in the Find School box.
  3. Click Create Account
  4. Enter your ACES email and create a password  to continue.
  5. Click on the Faculty Staff option button.
  6. You will receive a access duration prompt .  You can select a calendar or click on Get Started to continue
  7. You will receive a prompt regarding the subscription.  Click on Continue Setting Up.
  8. You will receive a prompt that allows you to select areas of interest. You may do so or click Maybe Later to continue setup.
  9. You will receive a prompt to login to the NYT app.  You may do so or click on No Thanks Back to Reading.
  10. You will land on the page for today’s paper.

If you are on off campus:

  1. In the Newspapers box in library’s database list, click New York Times Online.
  2. NYT login page will prompt. Type in Palo Alto College-San Antonio in the Find School box.
  3. Follow the steps in the box titled Access Step by Step Directions
  4. Follow step 3-10 above.

After you set up and account, you can access  Once a year, you will be prompted to reauthenticate to ensure that you are active within the PAC subscription.  You will just have to go through the series of reauthentication prompts (see below). Please note that this is a subscription for current PAC students and PAC employees.  

Reauthentication of NYT Account

    1. Go to the link from the NYT link in  library databases (so the NYT system will read the PAC IP address as authentication). 

    2.  You will be prompted to follow instructions for on or off campus.  Select the appropriate option and proceed. 

    3.  You will be prompted to create an account or login by clicking on the Already a User link (select this option).

     4.Once you enter your email, the system will recognize your email and prompt you to reauthenticate.

*Please note that you may receive a web security prompt.  Forward through the prompt to proceed with reauthentication.

Library Databases and Journals



NoodleTools for Faculty and Staff

NoodleTools is a powerful platform where students can organize their research project, save their notes, and create and save their citations in the format required. It also allows for collaboration among students (group projects) and for faculty to give feedback.  Each user needs to create a personal account so their work can be saved privately.

Step 1. Register and create a login and password for a Noodle Tools account.

  • Go to Noodletools-Sign in.
  • Off campus?  Enter your ACES ID and BANNER Number first. 
  • Once you get to the Noodletools screen…
  • Click on "REGISTER" and create your own username and password

Step 2. After you sign in, you will be on the Projects page.

  • Click on +New project button and name it
  • Choose your style: MLA, APA or Chicago/Turabian.

Step 3. From the Dashboard of your project you can:

  • Add your research question
  • Add your thesis
  • Add collaborators for group projects
  • Connect to Google
  • Make a ToDo List

Step 4. Click on Sources and create your citations.

Step  5.  Don't forget to log out of Noodle Tools when you finish.

Forgot your Password? Here's how to reset  your password.

  • Step 1:  Go to Noodle Tools log in box.
  • Step 2:  Click on Forgot Password?
  • Step 3: Retrieve Password pop up will appear 
  • Step 4:  Do not enter any info until the student selects the option of what type of institution provides access to them K-12 or College or University (default setting is K-12).
  • Step 5:  Click on A subscription I have is through my college or university and enter the Personal ID ( Noodle Tools login) and email address (doesn’t have to be the school email).
  • Step 6:  Click Retrieve Password.