Teaching Effectively During Times of Disruption (crowd sourced Google Doc)
Thoughts & Resources for Those About to Start Teaching Online Due to COVID-19, (from HASTAC: Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Alliance and Collaboratory)
Organizing Your Online Course (from Association of College and University Educators) -- Webinar recording and online teaching toolkit.
Handling Exams When Your Course Unexpectedly Moves Online (Indiana University Bloomington)
Finding Music Resources, (Gettysburg College) A list of digital music resources broken down by discipline.
The Ozuna Library provides access to thousands of eBooks. Below are links to the the library's collection as well as open access resources.
Ozuna Library Collection
Open Access Resources
Some of our databases offer convenient options to subscribe to access newspapers, magazines , etc.. You can conveniently create your user account and then seamlessly access subscriptions on the go:
The Teaching & Learning Center (TLC) provides Palo Alto College faculty and staff a centrally located, one-stop location for support and resources.
Click below to access the library guide to professional development resources.
The Alamo Colleges District secured ZOOM as a tool to assist with online meeting and teaching. Here are some handy links to assist: