A Guide to the Palo Alto College
General History Collection
Descriptive Summary
Creator: Various Departments
Identification: PAC-009
Extent: 13 boxes
Language: English
Repository: Palo Alto College Archives at the Ozuna Library, San Antonio, Texas
Scope and Content Note
Includes minutes, press releases, event programs, invitations, mailing lists, and official reports.
Use: The collection is open for research
Access: Access to the collection is available by appointment only. Please contact archivist to make an appointment
Administrative Information
Copyright: Copyright maintained by the original authors
Preferred Citation: [Identification of item], Palo Alto College General History Collection, PAC-009. Palo Alto College Archives, San Antonio, Tx.
Processing Information:
Processed by Darin Spelber (December 2014) and Sara Schmidt (December 2024, January 2025)
Finding Aid edited by Sara Schmidt (January 2025)
Box Folder Title/Dates
Series I: College’s Origin and Early Years
Box Folder Contents Dates
1 1 PAC history – overview documents
First faculty and staff, fall 1985- spring 1986; The campus at a glance, c. 1986; History [of PAC] prepared September 1990; Palo Alto College achievements, draft, 1986-1987; Accomplishments from 1980-1986 from George Ozuna [Jr.], March 1985; Institutional narrative p. 6-14, taken from unknown source, n.d.; Backgrounder May 1995, December 1987, August 1998; Palo Alto College achievements, n.d.; “Palo Alto College: The heart of the community and economic engine of the Southside,” c. 2003
1 2 City & ACCD Council Meeting Minutes, Misc. documents, San Antonio Micromap
City of San Antonio Councilmembers, n.d.; Handwritten notes regarding C.O.P.S., n.d.; ACCD Master Plan Community Advisory Members, n.d.; ACCD Master Plan Community Advisory Council Meeting Minutes, November 12, 1982, December 17, 1982; City Council resolution in support of Palo Alto College, January 27, 1983; ACCD Board of Trustee Meeting Minutes (February 21, 1983; March 21, 1983; September 19, 1983; September 28, 1983); Blueprint for Progress, May 1983; Harlandale ISD Board of Trustees, April 5, 1983; ACCD Site selection committee, June 1, 1983; South San Antonio Board Meeting, October 3, 1983; San Antonio Micromap, n.d.
Box Folder Contents Dates
1 3 C.O.P.S.
“20 Years of C.O.P.S.,” n.d.; photocopy of page 15 regarding PAC; Photocopies of articles about C.O.P.S., December 23, 1982 – 1989; Biography and interviews with Mary Segovia, 1982-1992
Box Folder Contents Dates
1 4 Misc. PAC Documents-1984-1985; First PACFaculty Handbook-Fall 1985
“South side welcomes Dicianna,” c. February 1985; “ACCD Board approves PAC design,” December 18, 1984; PAC South Side Booster, c. 1984; paper beginning with “PAC is a dream…,” n.d.; List of staff and faculty, n.d.; Faculty handbook, c. 1985; “Building your tomorrow at the community colleges,” c. 1984 (3 copies)
Box Folder Contents Dates
1 5 PAC Year 1: Administrative Matters
Faculty development committee, c. 1985; Memo regarding financial aid, October 30, 1985; Memo regarding furniture, October 29, 1985; Chancellor Search Committee, November 5, 1985; Curriculum Committee, November 7, 1985; Screening Committee, December 10, 1985; Developmental Studies Committee, October 8, 1985; Faculty Development Committee, October 30, 1985; Role and Scope Recommendation, October 7, 1985; Bibliography, November 2, 1985; Role and Scope Committee, October 21, 1985; Role and Scope, dated July 9, 1984; San Antonio Faculty Learning Resources Handbook, 1984 Revision; President’s Council Meeting, November 9, 1985
1 6 Executive Summary of results and a marketing communications plan for the southern sector, September 1985; ACCD Educational Specifications for the Southern Sector College, n.d.
1 7 PAC Marketing and Recruitment Materials 1986
1 8 50% Completion Party, May 28, 1986
Box Folder Contents Dates
2 1 PAC Marketing & Recruitment Committee, 1986-1987
PAC Achievements 1985-1986; Memo from Dr. Terry Dicianna regarding Marketing and recruitment, September
Box Folder Contents Dates
2 2 Invitations to serve on PAC Advisory council, June 1986
2 3 PAC Advisory Council papers, 1986-1987
2 4 Misc. Papers, promotional papers, 1986-1987
2 5 PAC Grand Opening, misc. materials, 1987
2 6 PAC First graduating class, 1987
2 7 Misc. PAC papers, 1989-1992
2 8 Misc. PAC materials, 1992-1994
2 9 History write-ups/ One of a kind documents, 1994-1995
Box Folder Contents Dates
3 1 Misc. PAC Materials, incl. TASP Report
Series II: Natatorium
Box Folder Contents Dates
3 2 Misc. Natatorium Materials, 1988-1992
3 3 Natatorium Ground Breaking, October 20, 1990, & Grand Opening, February 6, 1992
3 4 Natatorium- Pre-Trials, 1992
3 5 Athletic Business Magazine (2 copies) featuring Natatorium
3 6 Natatorium Background, Statistics, 1988-1996
3 7 PAC News Release & PAC Publications (Insights and Paladin); Paladin v. 8, no. 4 and 5 (2 copies), 1989-1992
3 8 Natatorium/Gymnasium Complex News Clippings, 1985-January 1992
3 9 Natatorium/Gymnasium Complex News Clippings, February 1992-December 1992
Box Folder Contents Dates
4 1 Olympic Festival News Clippings, July-August 1993
4 2 Natatorium/ Gymnasium News Clippings, 1993-1996
4 3 NAIA National Swimming & Diving Championships, 1993
Series III: 10th Anniversary
Box Folder Contents Dates
4 4 PAC 10th Anniversary Birthday Party
4 5 PAC 10th Anniversary Scholarship Banquet 1
4 6 PAC 10th Anniversary Scholarship Banquet 2
4 7 PAC 10th Anniversary Scholarship Banquet Program, September 23, 1995; 10th Anniversary Calendar, August 1995 – August 1996
4 8 PAC 10th Anniversary Scholarship Banquet Invitations, September 23, 1995; 10th Anniversary holiday cards, 1995
4 9 10th Anniversary Video Production Packet 1995
Box Folder Contents Dates
5 1 PAC 10th Anniversary Scholarship and General Expenses, 1996
Series IV: Commencements and Convocations
Box Folder Contents Dates
5 2 Commencement and Convocation materials, 1987-1993
Commencement ceremony program, May 14, 1987 (2); Commencement ceremony program, May 15, 1988 (5); Graduation script, May 13, 1989; Commencement ceremony program, May 13, 1989 (2); Commencement ceremony program, May 12, 1990 (3); Baccalaureate ceremony program, May 11, 1991 (2); Commencement ceremony program, May 11, 1991 (3); Spring Honors convocation, April 7, 1992; Graduation brunch, May 9, 1992 (2); Commencement ceremony program, May 9, 1992; Honors convocation, April 14, 1993; Commencement ceremony program, May 8, 1993 (3)
5 3 Commencement and Convocation materials, 1994-1996
Spring Honors convocation program, April 13, 1994; Commencement ceremony program, May 14, 1994 (2); Fall Honors Convocation ceremony, November 9, 1994; Spring Honors Convocation ceremony, April 5, 1995; Commencement ceremony program, May 13, 1995; Honors Convocation program, fall 1995; Commencement ceremony program, May 11, 1996 (2); Academic Excellence Awards Ceremony, November 6, 1996
5 4 Commencement and Convocation materials, 1997-1999
Honors Convocation program, April 2, 1997; Commencement ceremony program, May 10, 1997 (2); Commencement ceremony program, May 9, 1998 (2); Honors Convocation program, November 4, 1998; Commencement ceremony program, May 8, 1999
5 5 Commencement and Convocation materials, 1999-2002
Honors convocation program, April 5, 2000; Commencement ceremony program, May 13, 2000 (1); Honors Convocation program, November 8, 2000; Commencement ceremony program, May 12, 200; Honors Convocation program, November 7, 2001; Commencement ceremony program, May 11, 2002 (2); Honors Convocation, November 13, 2002 (2)
5 6 Commencement and Convocation ceremony programs, 2003-2004
Commencement ceremony program, May 10, 2003 (2); Invitation to commencement ceremony, May 7, 2004 (2); Commencement ceremony program, May 7, 2004 (2); Honors Convocation program, November 3, 2004
5 7 Faculty and staff convocation materials, 1999, 2001, 2004
ACCD 2004 Convocation, August 16, 2004 (2); PAC Convocation Agenda, August 20, 2001; Palo Alto College Convocation week, August 16-21, 1999; Memo about Palo Alto College Convocation week, December 27, 1999; Palo Alto College Convocation, August 20, 2001
Box Folder Contents Dates
6 1 Commencement and Convocation materials, 2005
Scholarship Ceremony program, March 2, 2005; Invitation to Commencement ceremony, May 5, 2005; Commencement ceremony program, May 5, 2005 (2); Honors Convocation program, November 7, 2005
6 2 Commencement and Convocation materials, 2006-2008
Commencement ceremony program, May 4, 2006 (2); Commencement ceremony program, May 11, 2007 (2); Invitation to Scholarship Ceremony, March 12, 2008; Commencement ceremony, May 8, 2008 (2)
6 3 Commencement and Convocation materials, 2009-2010
Commencement ceremony program, May 5, 2009 (2); Commencement ceremony program, May 6, 2010 (2); “Congratulations Graduate” from TAMUSA, including planner [2009]; Invitation to 2009 Commencement; Honors/Scholarship Ceremony program, March 25, 2009
6 4 Commencement and Convocation materials, 2011-2014
Commencement ceremony program, May 12, 2011 (2); Commencement ceremony program, May 10, 2012 (2); Scholarship ceremony program, April 16, 2013 (2); Commencement ceremony program, May 16, 2013 (2); Commencement ceremony program, May 17, 2014 (2)
6 5 Faculty and Staff Convocation materials, 2005-2013
PAC Fall Convocation, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 (3), 2013; ACCD Convocation, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2011
Series V: Ray Ellison Family Center
6 6 Ray Ellison Family Center, Campus News Releases and Newsletters, 1996-2001
6 7 Ellison Center Groundbreaking invitation, program, June 11, 1999; Ray Ellison Family Center Dedication invitation (2), program, October 3, 2001; Speech by Dr. Guzman at dedication; Trustee Garza’s remarks at dedication; Ray Ellison Fact Sheet, September 2001; Press release, September 28, 2001; Memos and work orders, September, 2001;
Box Folder Contents Dates
7 1 Ellison Center Dedication Packets, October 3, 2001 (2)
7 2 Ellison Center Site Plan and photos, 1996
Series IV: Environmental and Site Planning
Box Folder Contents Dates
7 3 Kelly Parkway/Southside Limited Purpose Annexation - Planning Studies & Regulatory Plans
7 4 Kelly Parkway/Southside Limited Purpose Annexation - Planning Studies & Regulatory Plans
7 5 Kelly Parkway: Bosquejo del Informe de los Impactos al Medio Ambiente
7 6 Kelly Parkway: Draft Environmental Impact Statement, submitted by TxDOT
Box Folder Contents Dates
8 1 PAC Environmental Support Project: Environmental Site Assessment & Environmental Field Investigation for Mr. Roy Brown - Part 1: Sections 1-5
8 2 PAC Environmental Support Project: Environmental Site Assessment & Environmental Field Investigation for Mr. Roy Brown - Part 2: Sections 6-13
8 3 Construction of PAC Landscaping at PAC - Final Bid Set (includes CD)
8 4 PAC Landscaping - Addendum No. 1 - Addendum No. 3: Durand-Hollis Rupe Architects, Inc.
8 5 American National Standard for Tree Care Operations - Standard Practices (Pruning)
Series: Institutional Effectiveness and Performance Reports
Box Folder Contents Dates
26 3 PAC Student Graduate Survey Results
26 4 PAC Student Graduate Survey - Institutional Effectiveness & Research
26 5 PAC Graduate Survey - Institutional Effectiveness & Research
26 6 Performance Review of the ACCD - Carole Keeton Strayhorn, Texas Comptroller
26 7 PAC Institutional Performance Report - ACCD Strategy Institute
Series: Grant Materials
Box Folder Contents Dates
27 1 "A Generation of Failure" - The Case for Testing and Remediation in Texas Higher Education - Final Report and Recommendations of the Committee on Testing to the Coordinating Board, Texas College and University System
27 2 Title VI Texas Affirmative Action Plan Annual Narrative Report 1983-1988 EEO Plan for Higher Education - ACCD
27 3 Transfer of Credit Policies and Curricula of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
27 4 ACCD Job Analysis Questionnaire: Exempt Positions; Nonexempt Positions (Part 2)
27 5 Two-Year/Four-Year Program of the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU) - A Final Report to the Ford Foundation
27 6 ACCD Dept. of Procurement and Material Mgmt. Inventory Control Guidelines
27 7 Individual Development Grant Under the Developing Hispanic-Serving Institutions Program: "Strengthening Programs and Services at PAC"
Box Folder Contents Dates
28 1 ACCD Guide for Grant Development - Institutional Advancement Grants Dept. - Erick Akins, Grants Manager
28 2 "Taking Steps on How to Procedures on Getting a Grant Setup" ACCD Institutional Advancements Grants Dept. - Erick Akins, Grants Manager
28 3 ACCD Monitoring Manual - Erick Akins, Grants Manager, Office of Institutional Advancement District, Grants Dept.
28 4 PAC Project Conexion - Hispanic Serving Institutions - Title V Grant - U.S. Dept. of Education
28 5 PAC's CCRAA HSI Grant - U.S. Dept. of Education
Series: Planning
Box Folder Contents Dates
28 6 PAC Strategic Planning Process 1990-1992 and Administrative Agenda 1990-1991
28 7 PAC Five-Year Plan 1991-1996
28 8 PAC Five-Year Plan 1992-1997
28 9 Unit Profile for 1992-1993; Unit Assessment for 1993-1994; Unit Plan for 1994-1995
28 10 PAC 1997-98 Unit Planning Workbook - Office of Institutional Effectiveness July 2, 1997; Unit Objective and Activities Worksheets 1997-1998
28 11 PAC Strategic Plan 1998-1999; PAC Strategic Planning Process 1998-1999; PAC Strategic Plan - Reaching the Vision, for internal, college-wide use 1994-2004; PAC Strategic Planning, Reaching the Vision 1999-2004
Box Folder Contents Dates
29 1 PAC Strategic Planning Council (Draft)
29 2 PAC Strategic Planning Council & Retreat Memos
29 3 PAC Program Review Manual
29 4 PAC Academic Affairs - Unit Planning Materials
29 5 PAC Unit Planning Process
29 6 PAC 2002-2003 Unit Planning Manual
29 7 PAC 2003-2004 Unit Planning Manual
Box Folder Contents Dates
30 1 Proposal Before Legislature to Make PAC a 4-Year University
30 2 PAC Strategic Planning Retreat, Guadalupe River Ranch, Boerne, TX
30 3 PAC Strategic Planning Retreat
30 4 ACCD Strategic Plan Brochure 2005-2010; PAC Strategic Planning Retreat, January 15, 2010
30 5 PAC Strategic Planning Retreat Report
30 6 Information Technology Plans: Inventory Replacement Expenditure Plans FY2001-FY2002
30 7 2000-2004 Technology Plan - Submitted by PAC IT, Approved by PAC AATC
30 8 2000-2005 Technology Plan - Submitted by PAC IT, Approved by PAC AATC
30 9 2004-2008 Technology Plan - Draft - Submitted by Technology Standards Committee, Approved by Technology Council
30 10 ACCD Safety Plan - Human Resources Dept., Risk Management
30 11 Dept. of Public Safety Memo re: Bomb Threats, to Dr. Joel Vela from Terrie Hoffman
30 12 ACCD Dept. of Public Safety Emergency Response Manual May 24, 1996, Revised October 8, 1999