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Reference Handbook: Roaming Librarian Procedures

Online version of the outdated desk model!

Roaming Librarian

Ozuna Library

Roaming Librarian Procedures

(Initiated Summer 2019)

A roaming librarian service has been added to the library’s Reference Services.  The librarian scheduled at the Reference desk will carry an iPad when he/she steps away from the Reference desk in order to better provide assistance to patrons throughout the library.


  1. Opening Librarian:  Please remove iPad from the Library Instruction Laptop cart in OZU 222.  Cart code is 3563.

  1. To access the library homepage, click on the mini library homepage icon at the bottom of the screen.




To access an internet browser, click on Safari icon at the bottom of the page.




  1. To log reference assistance on the iPad, log in to the Lib App Ref Analytics icon at the bottom on the page. (login:   pw: reFerence0)



  1. Use the strap to carry the iPad with you when you step away from the Reference desk.  For example, take it with you when you assist Circulation with a count, escort a student to the stacks to pull a book, find a student in the stacks who needs assistance, etc.  Do not approach students who are studying, working on their laptops, etc.

  1. Keep the iPad in top drawer at the Reference desk when not in use.

  1. Closing Librarian:  Logoff the Ref Analytics and close the homepage.  Return the iPad to the Library Instruction Laptop cart in OZU 222 and plug in for overnight charging.